CCSF Cybercompetitions for Fall 2023


In the Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition, student teams act as security consultants. They must prepare a proposal offering penetration testing services, sell it to the client, find and exploit vulnerabilities on the network, prepare a report with their findings, and present it to a panel of executives. To succeed, they need technical and communications skills, and to comport themselves in a professional manner. They are scored by the degree to which they satisfy the expectations of the client.

The competition closely mimics the activites of professional penetration testers. That means that preparing for the competition prepares students to get jobs, and success in the competition demonstrates that they are ready for employment as security professionals.

Western Regional CPTC

The Western Regional CPTC was held in Nov, 2023.

CCSF Wins 2nd Place at CPTC-WEST

Elizabeth Biddlecome (Coach), Edmund Ye, Sam Bowne (Mascot), Kate Kligman,
Victor Cai, Lan Che (Captain), Annat Koren (Co-Captain), Luka Lewin
Not pictured: Javier Hernandez Requena, Angela Hong

CCSF defeated all these teams:
  • Oregon State University
  • California State University, Chico
  • Southern Methodist University
  • University of Nevada, Reno
  • University of California, Santa Cruz
  • University of Central Missouri
  • University of Colorado, Boulder
  • San Francisco State University
Stanford won first place.

More Information

Posted: 11-24-20