Project 11: SQL Injection (10 pts.)

What You Need


SQL injection is the most important vulnerability in the world. Over 90% of all the stolen data has been stolen with this attack.

Opening the SQL Hands-On Page

In a Web browser, open this page:

1. Reset the Database

In section 1 click the Reset button.

2. SQL Database Structure

Read through section 2 to understand essential SQL concepts.

3. SQL SELECT Queries

SELECT queries find data in the database and display it. Try each of the queries shown and see how they work.

Try all the queries shown, and find one that reveals social security numbers, as shown below.

4. Search for Usernames

The form only accepts usernames, but by using carefully-crafted usernames containing apostrophes you can use it to perform SELECT queries.

Try all the queries shown, and find one that reveals social security numbers, as shown below.

Saving the Screen Image

Make sure social security numbers are visible, and that the title of the table is "Usernames Found", as shown above.

Save a whole-desktop image with a filename of "Proj 11 from YOUR NAME".

Extra Credit

Now that you've seen how it works, continue on to Project 11x to get more credit by completing the challanges at the bottom of that page.

Turning In Your Project

Email the image to with a subject of "Project 11 from YOUR NAME".

Posted: 4-11-16