PMA 202: Keylogger (15 pts + 15 pts extra)

What you need:


You will practice the techniques in chapter 3.

This project follows Lab 3-3 in the textbook.

Preparing Windows

On your desktop, open the "Practical Malware Analysys Labs" folder. Open the "Binary Collection" and Chapter_3L folders.

Open Process Explorer and move it so you can see it at the same time as the Explorer window. Scroll to the bottom to show explorer.exe (your desktop) and its children, which are processes launched by the currently logged-in user, as shown below.

Launch the Malware

Double-click Lab03-03.exe and watch what happens in Process Explorer. First two new processes appear, shown in green below: Lab03-03.exe and svchost.exe.

After a second or two, the Lab03-03.exe process terminates, leaving the svchost.exe running as an orphan process, as shown below.

This is highly unusual and suspicious behavior.

Observing Process Replacement

This svchost process is strange in another way: the code running in RAM does not match the code on the disk.

To see that, in Process Explorer, right-click svchost.exe and click Properties.

Click the Strings tab. At the bottom, make sure Image is selected, as shown below.

These are the strings on the disk, in the real svchost.exe file.

At the bottom of the box, click the Memory button. Now the strings are completely different, and contain these suspicious items: GetActiveWindow and SetWindowsHookExA.

Those functions can be used by a keylogger, to hook the keypresses and run added code to record them.

Scroll down and find the string practicalmalwareanalysis.log, as shown below. This may be the filename used to store the keypresses.

Flag PMA 202.1: String (15 pts)

Just above "practicalmalwareanalysis.log" there is another string, beginning with "Co", partially covered by a green box in the image above.

That's the flag.

Testing the Keylogger

Open Notepad and type in some text. A file appears in the Chapter_3L folder named practicalmalwareanalysis.log, as shown below.

Double-click the practicalmalwareanalysis.log file. The stolen keystrokes appear, as shown below.

Killing the Keylogger Process

In Process Explorer, below "explorer.exe", find the svchost.exe process. Right-click it, as shown below, and click "Kill Process".

Flag PMA 202.2: Find the Logfile (15 pts extra)

In your Documents folder, find the file chal6.exe

If you aren't using the VM your instructor provided, download the file here.

This file is a keylogger. Find the file containing the captured keystrokes. That file's name is the flag.

Posted 8-28-18
Ported to flag format 8-16-19