M 701: Installing Damn Vulnerable iOS App on an iPhone (10 pts)

What You Need


To install the Damn Vulnerable iOS App, which we will use to learn how to audit iPhone apps for security flaws.

Preparing the Workspace with Ruby

On your Mac, in a Terminal, execute these commands, one at a time. Enter your password when you are prompted to.
git clone https://github.com/prateek147/DVIA-v2
cd DVIA-v2/DVIA-v2
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod install
This creates a file named DVIA-v2.xcworkspace.

Opening the Workspace File in Xcode

Launch XCode.

At the top left of your desktop, click File, Open.

Open the DVIA-v2.xcworkspace file you just created.

Entering your Apple ID

In XCode, from the menu bar at the top left of the screen, click Xcode, Preferences, Accounts.

Click the + sign and add your Apple ID, as shown below.

Configuring Signing

In Xcode, in the top left, click the icon outlined in red in the image below.

In the PROJECT section, click the DVIA-v2 icon, as outlined in green in the image below.

In the top center, click "Build Settings", outlined in purple in the image below.

In the center pane, scroll down to the Signing section, choose yourself as the "Development Team", outlined in blue in the image below.

In Xcode, in the top left, in the TARGETS section, click the DVIA-v2 icon, as outlined in green in the image below.

In the top center, click "Signing & Capabilities", outlined in purple in the image below.

In the center pane, in the Signing section, choose yourself as the Team.

Change the "Bundle Identifier" to something unique, outlined in red in the image below.

Choosing a Destination

In XCode, from the menu bar at the top left of the screen, click Product, Destination, iPhone, as shown below.

Running the Project

In XCode, from the menu bar at the top left of the screen, click Product, Run.

A series of messages appear at the top of the XCode window, as shown below, showing the app building and installing onto the iPhone.

Using the App

On your iPhone, the DVIA app launches, as shown below.

Flag M 701.1: Binary Protections (10 pts)

On your iPhone, in the DVIA app, at the top left, tap the three-bar icon.

Tap "Binary Protections".

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.


Many thanks to axi0mx for making the checkra1n jailbreak possible and showing me how to compile C code for the iPhone and debug it.

Step 14: Build Loop app
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Posted 12-18-19