M 142: Rooting Android Studio's Emulator (15 pts)

What You Need for This Project


To gain root privileges on an Android device.

Warning for Windows Users

In June, 2023, this project stopped working for Windows users.

I recommend doing this project instead:

M 145: Making a Rooted Android Emulator

Start your Emulator

Start your emulator, as shown below.

Cloning the rootAVD Repository

The steps depend on your operating system. Follow the appropriate instructions below.

Mac Users

In a Terminal, execute these commands:
git clone https://github.com/newbit1/rootAVD.git
cd rootAVD
adb devices
If you see an error message saying "command not found", execute this command to fix the Path:
export PATH=$PATH:~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools
Then execute this command again:
adb devices

Windows Users

In a Web browser, go to


Click the Code button. Click "Download ZIP", as shown below.

At the bottom of your Windows desktop, click the yellow folder icon to launch File Explorer.

Open your Downloads folder. Right-click the rootAVD-master.zip file and click "Extract All...," Extract.

Open a Command Prompt window and execute these commands:

cd Downloads
cd rootAVD-master
cd rootAVD-master
adb devices
If you see an error message saying "Not found: adb", close the Command Prompt window.

Open an Administrator Command Prompt window and execute this command to fix the Path:

setx /M PATH "%PATH%;%userprofile%\appdata\local\android\sdk\platform-tools"
Close the Administrator Comand Prompt window and open a normal Comand Prompt window.

Then execute these commands:

cd Downloads
cd rootAVD-master
cd rootAVD-master
adb devices
You should see your device listed, as shown below.

Using rootAVD

The steps depend on your operating system. Follow the appropriate instructions below.

Mac Users

In a Terminal, execute these commands:
./rootAVD.sh ListAllAVDs
You see a long list of commands for many Android versions.

Execute the command with the correct API number for your emulator, which is probably API 30, x86, ending in "ramdisk.img", as shown below:

./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-30/google_apis_playstore/x86/ramdisk.img
If the script works perfectly, Aa lot of messages scroll by, as shown below, and your emulator shuts off.

If it hangs on "Trying to install Apps/*", stop it with Ctrl+C.

Windows Users

In the Command Prompt, execute this command:
rootAVD.bat ListAllAVDs
You see a long list of commands for many Android versions. Execute the correct one for your emulator, which is probably API 30, x86, ending in "ramdisk.img", as shown below:
rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-30\google_apis_playstore\x86\ramdisk.img
A lot of messages scroll by, and your emulator shuts off.

Cold Booting your Emulator

In Android Studio, in Device Manager, on the line showing your device, at the right side, click the down-arrow, and click "Cold Boot Now", as shown below.

If the device fails to boot up, you may need to repeat the cold boot process.

Opening Magisk

On your Android home screen, drag the circle icon up from the bottom.

Tap the Magisk app, as shown below.

Click Install, as shown below.

If you see a message saying you need to allow it to install from unknown sources, approve that.

In the "Install unknown apps" page, click the slider next to "Allow from this source", as shown below.

Then click the back-arrow.

Click Install.

Opening a Root Shell

Make sure your Android device is visible and convenient--you only have ten seconds to react to a prompt.

In a Command Prompt or Terminal, execute these commands:

adb shell
A prompt appears on your Android device, as shown below.

Click GRANT.

You get a root shell, as shown below.


If you are too slow, you need to open Magisk on your emulator.

At the bottom, click Superuser.

Toggle the "[SharedUID] Shell" switch.

M 142.1: id (15 pts)

In your root shell, execute this command:
Find the text covered by a green box in the image below. That's the flag.



Posted 10-7-22
PATH command fixed 10-17-11
Minor updates to instructions 3-13-23
Magisk update processed added 6-21-23
Referral to M 145 added 7-1-23
Troubleshoting steps updated 4-29-24