AP 120: Vulnerable API (20 pts extra)

What You Need


To set up a vulnerable API, import its specifications into Postman, and use its methods as intended.

Installing Vulnerable API

You can use any system with Python 3, I suppose, but I only tested it on Debian 11. Execute these commands:
git clone https://github.com/jorritfolmer/vulnerable-api.git
sudo apt update
sudo apt install virtualenv

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
cd vulnerable-api
pip install -r requirements.txt
python ./vAPI.py -p 8080
Vulnerable API starts, as shown below.

Restarting Vulnerable API

If you shut down the server, you can restart it with these commands:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
cd vulnerable-api
python ./vAPI.py -p 8080
Open a Web browser and open the IP address of your Deban machine, with port 8080.

You see a message showing that vAPI is running, as shown below.

Importing API Specifications

In Postman, at the top right, click the orange "Create Account" button.

A Postman web page opens. Create an account, or link to an existing Google account.

Return to the main Postman window, as shown below.

In the top left portion of the Postman window, click the Import button.

In the Import box, click the Link tab.

Enter this URL, as shown below.


Click the orange Continue button.

In the next box, in the "Link this collection as", select "Test Suite", as shown below, and click the orange Import button.

Postman creates a new collection named "Vulnerable API" and switches to the "APIs tab, as shown below.

Setting the Base URL

Expand the "Vulnerable API" collection. Expand the "draft" container. Click the "Vulnerable API" object inside it.

On the right side, click the Variables tab.

Enter the URL to your instance of vulnerable-api into the "CURRENT VALUE" field, as shown below.

Then click the Save icon, outlined in green in the image below.

Creating a User Account

In the "Vulnerable API" collection, navigate to the "create user" request, as shown below.

On the Body tab, enter a username and password of your choice.

Delete the outermost quotation marks and the backslashes, and click Beautify, so the JSON spreads out into several lines, as shown below.

Click the blue Send button.

If you get a status 400 response, saying "Request body is not valid JSON", check to make sure the extra quotation marks and backslashes are correctly removed.

Flag AP 120.1: Message (10 pts)

When the JSON is correct, you get a different error.

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Getting an Authorization Token

In the "Vulnerable API" collection, navigate to the "get token" request, as shown below.

On the Body tab, default values are already set. Don't change the username or password, but remove the outer quotation marks and backslashes, so you can Beautify the JSON, as shown below.

There's an extraneous "\n" you need to remove too.

Click the blue Send button.

You get a token, highlighted in the image below.

Copy the token to the Clipboard.

Adding the Token to the Collection

This is an "X-Auth-Token", which can't be added on the Authorization tab in Postman. Instead, we'll use a variable.

In the "Vulnerable API" collection, in the "draft" container, click the "Vulnerable API" object.

In the center pane, click the Variables tab.

Add a variable named token with a CURRENT VALUE of your token, as shown below.

Then click the Save icon, outlined in green in the image below.

Reserving a Widget

In the "Vulnerable API" collection, navigate to the "create widget reservation" request, as shown below.

On the Headers tab, in the "X-Auth-Token" line, change the VALUE to


as shown below.

On the Body tab, clean up the JSON and beautify it.

Change the "widgetname" to "widget01", as shown below.

Click the blue Send button.

The request succeeds, as shown below.

Flag AP 120.2: Message (5 pts)

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Requesting a User Record

In the "Vulnerable API" collection, navigate to the "get user" request, as shown below.

On the Headers tab, in the "X-Auth-Token" line, change the VALUE to


On the Params tab, change the "user" to "1", as shown below.

Click the blue Send button.

The request succeeds, as shown below.

Flag AP 120.2: Message (5 pts)

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.



Posted 5-11-22