W 10: Configuring an HTTPS Server (15 pts extra)

What You Need


Getting a Domain Name

This will cost a few dollars. Get a domain name at any name registrar you like, such as




This process is different for each name registrar. I can help you do it in the lab.

Put it Behind Cloudflare

Go to


Click the "Sign up" button and follow the instructions. This makes Cloudflare your authoritative DNS server.

Get a Google Cloud Server

Get a free Debian 9 Google Cloud server, as explained in other projects.

Configuring a Static IP Address

In the "VM instances" page, on your Debian instance's line, on the right side, click the three-dot icon and click "View network details", as shown below.

On the next page, on the left side, click "External IP addresses". Change your instance's address to Static, as shown below.

Make a note of your external IP address. You'll need it later.

Adjusting the Google Cloud Firewall

On the left side of the Google Cloud Platform page, click the three-bar "hamburger" icon. Click "Compute Engine", "VM instances".

In the "VM instances" page, on your Debian instance's line, on the right side, click the three-dot icon and click "View network details".

On the left side, click "Firewall rules".

At the top center, click "CREATE FIREWALL RULE".

Enter these values, as shown below.

At the bottom, click the CREATE button.

Allowing HTTPS

Repeat the process to allow HTTPS traffic on port 443, as shown below.

Installing Apache

On the left side of the Google Cloud Platform page, click the three-bar "hamburger" icon. Click "Compute Engine", "VM instances".

In the "VM instances" page, on your Debian instance's line, on the right side, click SSH.

In the SSH session, execute these commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install apache2 -y
sudo ss -nltp
Apache is listening on port 80, as shown below.

Testing your Apache Server

In a Web browser, go to this address, replacing the IP address with the external IP address of your server:
You should see the default Apache page, as shown below.

DNS Configuration

Go to


and log in.

At the top, click DNS. Click "+Add record".

Create a new A record with these values:

as shown below. Click Save.

Testing your Domain Name

In a Web browser, go to this address, replacing the domain name with the domain name of your server:
You should see the default Apache page again, as shown below.

Getting a Certificate

In a Web browser, go to


Enter these values, as shown below.

Scroll down to find instructions for Cerbot, as shown below.

In an SSH session to your cloud server, execute these commands:

sudo apt install certbot python-certbot-apache -y
sudo certbot --apache
As quesions appear, enter these answers, as shown below. The certificate generation completes, as shown below.

Testing your HTTPS Server

In a Web browser, go to this address, replacing the domain name with the domain name of your server:
The page should automatically redirect to its HTTPS version, and load, showing the padlock icon, as shown below.

Examining your TLS Certificate

In a Web browser, go to this address:


In the Hostname box, enter your domain name, as shown below.

Flag W 10.1: Issuer (15 pts)

Click the Submit button.

Information about the certificate appears, as shown below. The flag is the Issuer, covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Posted 3-6-2020