W 530: Exploiting ECB Encryption (75 pts)

What You Need

An web browser configured to use the Burp proxy, which you set up in a previous project.


To practice forging tokens that are vulnerable because they encode meaningful data in ECB mode.

To avoid this risk, session tokens should be random, or properly encrypted and signed.

Configuring a Proxy

Using Firefox, at the top right, click the icon with three horizontal bars.

Click Preferences, Advanced, Network, Settings.

Configure your browser to use on port 8080 as a proxy, as shown below.

Start BurpSuite

In Burp, on the Proxy tab, on the Intercept sub-tab, click the "Intercept is on" button so it changes to say "Intercept is off".

In Burp, on the Proxy tab, on the Options sub-tab, ensure that Burp is listening on address, port 8080, as shown below.

Opening an Insecure Site

In Firefox, go to


The page should load in Firefox, and Burp should show the requests on the Proxy tab, on the "HTTP history" sub-tab, as shown below.

Opening a Secure Page

In Firefox, go to


If a message appears, saying "Your connection is not secure", as shown below, do the steps in the gray box below to import the SSL certificate.

Importing the SSL Certificate

In Firefox, click the Advanced button.

Click the "Add Exception..." button.

Click the "Confirm Security Exception" button.

The secure page loads, and Burp shows the requests used to load it, as shown below.

Viewing the Client-Side Challenges

In Firefox, scroll down and click "Token Insecurities".

The challenges appear. Scroll down to challenge 3, as shown below.

Examining a Normal Login

Accept the default username of "user" and password of "password", and click "Log in".

A "Welcome" page appears, showing you are logged in with uid=5, as shown below.

Testing for ECB Mode

In your browser, click the Back button to return to the Challenge 3 login form.

Enter this username, which is 32 "A" characters:

Click "Log in".

Notice that there are blocks of repeated hex code, as shown below. This is the telltale sign of ECB mode encryption.

Understanding ECB Mode

The "Welcome" page reveals far more information than a realistic application would, in order to make the project easier.

On the left, in the "Plain" section, the parameters are shown. They are grouped into blocks of 8 characters. On the right side the hexadecimal encrypted bytes are shown.

In your browser, click the Back button to return to the Challenge 3 login form. Click "Log in".

You get another "Welcome" page, as shown below.

Try logging in a few times and verify these things:

Changing the Username

In your browser, click the Back button to return to the Challenge 3 login form.

Change the username to some abbreviation of your own name that is five letters long. In my example, I'll use waldo. Click "Log in".

You get another "Welcome" page, as shown below.

Notice these things:

These weaknesses, together, will let us log in as uid=1, the administrator.

Plan of Attack

First, we need to get an encrypted line of text beginning with "1&".

Second, we need to insert that line of text after the line ending with "uid=".

Getting a Line Beginning with "1&"

In your browser, click the Back button to return to the Challenge 3 login form.

Click "Log in".

The seond line starts with a single random digit. If it's not "1", repeat the process until it is. It took me 12 tries to get the image below.

When you have a line of text beginning with "1&", proceed to the next section.

Analyzing the Login Process

In Burp, click the Proxy tab and the "HTTP history" sub-tab.

Click the last POST request to https://attack.samsclass.info to select it.

In the lower pane of Burp, on the Request tab, you can see that the POST request sends the username and password to the server, as shown below.

In the lower pane of Burp, on the Response tab.

The server sets a cookie named "blob", as shown below.

The blob is encoded with Base64, using the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and two more: %2b for "+" and %2f for "/".

We need to manipulate this blob to log in as a different user.

Decoding the Blob

In Burp, double-click the blob data, right-click it, and click "Send to decoder", as shown below.

In Burp, click the Decoder tab.

On the right side of Burp, click the "Smart decode" button. The "%2b" and "%2f" characters are highlighted with red, and the normal Base64 blob appears in a new box below, containing "+" and "/" characters.

In the second group of buttons, click "Decode as...". In the drop-down menu, click Base64, as shown below.

A third box appears, containing hex values, as shown below.

Compare these hex values to the "hex" shown in Firefox. The bytes we need are in the second half of the first row in Burp, as shown below.

Modifying the Blob

We need to insert these bytes into the sixth group of eight bytes, to change the user ID to 1.

Click in the ninth byte in the third row, press backspace twice to delete its contents, and type in the values from the first row.

Carefully copy the second 8 bytes in the first row into the third row, as shown below.

In the third section, on the right side, click "Encode as...", Base64, as shown below.

A line of Base64 text appears in a new section, as shown above. The problem with this blob is that it contains "+" characters which will be interpreted as the end of parameter values--those characters must be URL-encoded.

Burp doesn't seem to have an option to only URL-encode some of the characters, but it can URL-encode them all.

On the right side, click "Encode as...", URL, as shown below.

A new section appears, containing a long blob of URL-encoded text, as shown below.

Highlight this entire row and copy it to the clipboard, using "Command+C" on a Mac, or "Ctrl+C" on a PC.

Capturing a Login Request

In Burp, click the Proxy tab. Click the Intercept sub-tab. Click the Intercept button so it reads "Intercept is on", as shown below.

In Firefox, click the Back button to return to the Challenge 3 login form.

Click "Log in".

In Burp, on the Proxy tab and the Intercept sub-tab, a POST request to https://attack.samsclass.info appears, as shown below.

If it doesn't, click the Forward button until it does.

Click the Forward button agaim.

A GET request to https://attack.samsclass.info appears. Double-click the blob of data, delete it, and paste in the data you copied earlier, as shown below.

In Burp, click the "Intercept is on" button to allow traffic to flow through.

Your Web browser should now show you logged in with "your name" and uid=1, as shown below.

This is privilege escalation--you are now user #1, which is typically the administrator.

W 530.1: Flag (15 pts)

The flag is the word covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Challenge: Token 4

The fourth form on the "Vulnerable Token Examples" page , shown below, also uses ECB encryption. However, it doesn't show you the decoded token, so it's more realistic.

W 530.2: Encrypted A's (10 pts)

Find the ciphertext produced when this form encodes a string of eight "A" characters.

The answer is sixteen hexadecimal characters, like this:

That 16-character string is the flag.

W 530.3: Horizontal Privilege Escalation (25 pts)

Authenticate to the server with a different valid uid.

Hint: there's an old script left on the server named token4debug.php

When you succeed, the flag will appear, as shown below.

W 530.4: Vertical Privilege Escalation (25 pts)

Authenticate to the server with a uid of one (administrator).

When you succeed, the flag will appear, as shown below.

Updated 6-13-2020
Sam Bowne