Blockchains (15 pts.)

What you need


To practice using a simple demonstration blockchain.

Online Tutorial

In a Web browser, go to

Click through the demo, as shown below.

Live Blockchain

In a Web browser, go to

The demo appears, as shown below.

At first, there is no data stored in the blocks, and all the blocks are valid, with green backgrounds.

Enter some data in the first block. The background turns red, as shown below, indicating that all the blocks are now invalid.

In block #1, click the Mine button. The Nonce changes as required to make the Hash start with four zeroes, and the background turns green, indicating that this block is now valid. as shown below.

Challenge 1: Mine This Blockchain (5 pts.)

Put this data in the blockchain, as shown below.

Mine the blocks, as shown below.

Enter the correct nonce for block #3 into the form below.

13.1: Recording Your Success (5 pts.)

Use the form below to record your score in Canvas.

If you don't have a Canvas account, see the instructions here.

Name or Email:
Nonce for Block #3:

Challenge 2: Coinbase (10 pts.)

In the Blockchain Demo page, at the top right, click the Coinbase tab.

Now the blocks include rewards for mining, which come from the Coinbase, and structured transaction data, as shown below.

Make these changes in the data, as shown below.

Mine the blocks, as shown below.

Enter the correct nonce for block #5 into the form below.

13.2: Recording Your Success (10 pts.)

Use the form below to record your score in Canvas.

If you don't have a Canvas account, see the instructions here.

Name or Email:
Nonce for Block #5:

Posted 6-6-18 by Sam Bowne
Added to CNIT 123 8-4-18