IR 420: AWS Fundamentals (30 pts or more extra)

What You Need for This Project


To learn about AWS, Amazon's cloud computing service.

Creating an Amazon Account

In a Web browser, go to

Create an account, if you don't already have one.

Finding a Course

In the Web browser, go to

Scroll down to find "Free Digital Training", as shown below.

Click "Take a digital course".

On the left side, click Recommended and then click "Getting Started".

On the right, choose a course. I recommend starting with the two shown below, which introduce IAM and EC2.

You will need to log in with your Amazon account and fill out a profile form.

Then you can LAUNCH your course, as shown below.

Completed Trainings

IR 420: Submitting your Completed Trainings (30 pts or more)

After completing trainings, at the top left, click Dashboard to see them, as shown below. Each completed training is worth 10 pts.

I only did three, but feel free to do more lessons to get additional points.

Posted 11-10-20
Flag name changed to IR 11-17-20