Project 2: Wireshark (15 pts. + 20 pts. extra credit)

What You Need

A computer of any sort with Wireshark

Downloading a PCAP File

We'll use packets from the Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition.

Download the file below: (2,597,864 bytes)
SHA-256: bd81640eb67151cf92e01afcf38f6b71bc34372bb269420f920e881726bf342f

Unzip the file (usually double-clicking it will do that). The unzipped file is:

ccdc1.pcap (16,134,411 bytes)

Opening the PCAP in Wireshark

Launch Wireshark. From the menu bar, click File, Open. Navigate to the PCAP file and open it.

Viewing File Statistics

From the Wireshark menu bar, click Statistics, "Capture File Properties".

As shown below, this file contains 30,000 packets, captured over a period of 12.8 seconds in 2012.

Customizing the Wireshark View

Resolving DNS addresses slows down Wireshark, and resolving transport addresses makes them difficult to read and confusing, because you'll quickly have the common port numbers memorized and the uncommon ones resolve to meaningless abbreviations. So we'll turn both features off.

From the Wireshark menu bar, click View, "Name Resolution".

Make sure "Resolve Network Addresses" and "Resolve Transport Addresses" are not checked, as shown below.

It's valuable to add source and destination port numbers to the packet list.

From the Wireshark menu bar, click Wireshark, Preferences.

In the left pane of the "Wireshark - Preferences" window, in the Appearance section, click Columns. In the right pane, click a blank portion of the window.

Then, at the bottom, click the + icon. A new field appears, with a Title of "New Column", as shown below.

In the "New Column" line, double-click Number.

Arrows appear at the right of the field. Click the arrows. A long list of fields appears. Click "Src port (unresolved)", as shown below.

Double-click "New Column" and change it to "SrcPort", as shown below.

Repeat the process to add a DstPort field, as shown below.

Drag the two new fields to appear just after the corresponding Address fields, as shown below.

Click OK. The Packet List now shows the port numbers, as shown below.

Viewing an ARP Reply

Wireshark makes it easy to understand the structure of packets, from a simple one-line summary down to the raw hexadecimal bytes.

At the top left of the Wireshark window, in the filter bar, type


Press Enter. The display is filtered to include only ARP packets.

In the Packet List, click packet 7652. In the middle pane, expand the "Address Resolution Protocol (reply)" section and click "Target IP address".

The four bytes of the IP address in hexadecimal are highlighted in the bottom pane, as shown below.

Viewing Remnants

We'll filter out many common traffic types so you can focus on strange traffic.

At the top left of the Wireshark window, in the filter bar, paste in this filter:

not http and not ntp and not dns and not tcp.port == 443 and not tcp.port == 80 and not icmp and not tcp.port == 5223 and not arp

Press Enter.

Only some of the packets remain, beginning with packets 1, 6, and 7, as shown below.

Scroll down through the packets to see what's there.

Packets 809 and 816 are interesting--they use PGSQL, a database protocol. To see what that traffic is, right-click packet 809 and click Follow, "TCP Stream", as shown below.

The stream shows repeated messages with the text "SSH scorebot:Dinosaur2", as shown below.

This is apparently part of the CCDC scoring system.

In the "Wireshark - Follow TCP Stream" box, click the Close button.

The filter changes to eq 17 as shown below. Only the PGSQL stream is displayed.

Scroll down and watch the Time column. The first group of packets were sent at Time 0.06 seconds, and there are additional groups at 0.57, 1.08, 1.79, and 2.3 seconds.

This looks like an automated process, which is consistent with the previous conclusion that this is the CCDC scoring system.

Exporting HTTP Objects

In the Wireshark filter bar, at the right side, click the X icon to clear the filter.

All the packets are visible again.

From the Wireshark menu bar, click File, "Export Objects", HTTP....

A list of all the objects transferred via HTTP appears, as shown below.

Click the main.php object to select it, as shown above, and click the Save button. Save the file on your desktop.

Open the main.php file in a text editor. As shown below, this is a Web request sending form data starting with frm_daynight:

Capturing a Screen Image

Make sure the frm_daynight text is visible, as shown above.

Capture a whole-desktop image and save it as "Proj 2 from YOURNAME".


Challenge 1: Flag (10 pts. extra credit)

In this PCAP, someone was playing a CTF, using a Web page named "submitFlag.php". Find that data.

Use the form below to put your name on the WINNERS PAGE.

Your Name (without spaces):
Number of points earned:
Save a whole-screen image of the winners page showing your name with the filename "YOUR NAME Proj 2chal1".

Challenge 2: Nmap Scan (10 pts. extra credit)

In this PCAP, someone ran an Nmap scan of commmon ports, including FTP and Telnet.

Find the IP address of the computer that performed that scan.

Use the form below to put your name on the WINNERS PAGE.

Your Name (without spaces):
IP Address:
Save a whole-screen image of the winners page showing your name with the filename "YOUR NAME Proj 2chal2".

Turning in Your Project

Email the images to with a subject line of "Proj 2 From YOUR NAME", replacing "YOUR NAME" with your real name.

Send a Cc to yourself.

Last Modified: 9-9-17 12 pm