Project L2: IPv6-to-IPv4 Reverse Proxy (20 pts.)


Haproxy is a load-balancer, and can also be used as a reverse proxy server, allowing IPv6 clients to connect to IPv4 Web sites.

Haproxy is in the Ubuntu archives, but we can't use apt-get install haproxy because the archive copy is too old and does not support IPv6.

Downloading haproxy

Start Ubuntu 10.10. You can do this project on BackTrack 4 R2, but it seems easier on Ubuntu 10.10.

From the Menu bar, click Applications, Accessories, Terminal. In the Terminal window, execute these commands (When you are prompted to, enter your password):

cd /usr/local/src
sudo wget
When I did it at Starbucks, it failed twice and automatically restarted, so there were two bad download files named haproxy-1.4.11.tar.gz and haproxy-1.4.11.tar.gz.1 which I had to remove with the sudo rm command, and then I had to use the sudo mv command to move the good file to haproxy-1.4.11.tar.gz. If you have a more reliable network, you won't have to do that.

Compiling haproxy

In the Terminal window, execute these commands:
sudo tar -xzf haproxy-1.4.11.tar.gz
cd haproxy-1.4.11
sudo make TARGET=linux26 ARCH=i386

Wait while a screen or two of messages scroll by. When the $ prompt reappears, in the Terminal window, execute this command:

sudo make install

Preparing the haproxy startup script

This script will start haproxy automatically each time Linux starts.

In the Terminal window, execute these commands:

sudo mkdir /etc/haproxy
cd examples/
sudo cp haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy
sudo cp haproxy.init /etc/init.d/haproxy
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/haproxy
sudo nano /etc/init.d/haproxy

In the nano text editor, execute these commands:

Ctrl+R to start search and replace
At the "Search (to replace):" prompt, type


press Enter
At the "Replace with:" prompt, type


Press Enter
At the "Replace this instance?" prompt, type
you should see a message saying "[ replaced 6 occurrences ]"
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter
When you start the search, your screen will look like this:

Preparing the haproxy config file

In the Terminal window, execute this command:

sudo nano /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

In the global section, add a # to comment out this line:

# chroot /usr/share/

Your file should look like the image below on this page:

Scroll down to the defaults section and make these three changes:

Change the mode http line to

mode tcp
Comment out these two lines:
# option httplog

# redispatch
Your file should look like the image below on this page:

Use the down-arrow key to move to the first line starting with listen. Press Ctrl+K repeatedly to delete that line and all the lines below it. Then type in these lines:

     listen ipv6proxy80     0::0:80 
            mode    tcp 
            server  ipv4server80 
            maxconn 4000 
     listen ipv6proxy443    0::0:443 
            mode    tcp 
            server  ipv4server443 
            maxconn 4000 

Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter

Starting haproxy

In the Terminal window, execute these commands:

cd /etc/haproxy
sudo /usr/local/sbin/haproxy -f haproxy.cfg -V

You should see four lines ending with "test results OK" and then a line saying "Using sepoll() as the polling mechanism.", as shown below on this page:

Checking for Listening Processes

In the Terminal window, execute this command:

netstat -an | more

You should see local addresses of :::80 and :::443 with a state of LISTEN, as shown below on this page:

Finding the Linux Machine's IPv6 Address

In the Terminal window, execute this command:


Find the eth0 interface's public inet6 address, as shown below on this page--it will start with 2, not with fe80. If your Ubuntu machine is not connected to the Internet via IPv6, you need to correct that. The previous Linux project explained how to connect a Linux machine through the host Windows machine's gogoCLIENT tunnel.

Viewing the CCSF Web Page over IPv6

The CCSF Web page is not currently available to IPv6 clients. But you have just fixed that with your haproxy machine. In the Windows host machine, open a Web browser and put the IPv6 address of the haproxy Linux machine in the address bar, enclosed in square brackets [], like this:

In the browser, press Enter. The CCSF Web page opens, as shown below on this page:

On the host Windows machine, click Start, type CMD, and press Enter. In the Command prompt window, enter NETSTAT -AN and press Enter. You should see a connection to your Linux machine's IPv6 address on port 80--this is where the Web page loaded from!

There is also a connection to; this was made when the page redirected.

Turning in Your Project

Make sure you can see the connection to the IPv6 address on port 80, as shown in the image above on this page.

Save a screen image with the filename Proj-L2-from-YourName.

Email it to with a Subject line of Proj L2 from Your Name.


Last modified: 2 pm 4-22-11